
• 语言学-文学 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 华中科技大学人文学院,武汉430074
  • 收稿日期:2018-09-21 修回日期:2018-12-01 出版日期:2019-03-15 发布日期:2019-03-15
  • 作者简介:顾军霞,讲师,博士研究生,主要从事少数民族文学研究.
  • 基金资助:

Identity Appeal and Subjectivity Expression of "Being Alien" and "Being a Hybrid" in Alai's Cedar Shadows on the River

Gu Junxia#br#   

  1. School of Humanities, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China
  • Received:2018-09-21 Revised:2018-12-01 Online:2019-03-15 Published:2019-03-15

摘要: 血统多元、语言不一是少数民族作家阿来长久以来遭遇的身份问题。在作品《河上柏影》中,阿来营造了一个充满复杂成分和复杂情绪的村落,“异乡人”王木匠和“混血”的王泽周因身份原因所遭受的种种问题,是阿来对族别、血缘以及身份认同的主体性诉求与表达。当下,经济日益发展,社会形态和人口结构发生着巨大的变化,传统的家族意识和血缘意识正慢慢失去生存机体,少数民族的人口结构也发生了诸多变化。阿来深度审视血缘与家的概念,重新思考身份的涵义,阐释了独特地域文化环境中少数民族作家建构文化身份的深层体验。

关键词: 河上柏影, 阿来, 文化身份

Abstract: Being a hybrid and holding more than one language have been the identity problems that have troubled the minority writer
Alai for a long time. In his work Cedar Shadows on the River, Alai created a village of complex elements and emotions, where the
"alien" Carpenter Wang and the "hybrid" Wang Zezhou encountered various problems due to their identities, which is actually Alai's
subjectivity appeal and expression of race, blood and identity recognition. At present, with the development of economy, great changes
have taken place in social morphology and population structure. Traditional family consciousness and kinship consciousness are
gradually losing their living basis, and the population structure of minorities has also undergone many changes. Alai deeply examines
the concept of blood and family, rethinks the meaning of identity, and explains the deep experience of minority writers' construction of cultural identity in the unique regional cultural environment.

Key words: Cedar Shadows on the River, Alai, cultural identity